Wednesday, June 26, 2013

I'm Going to Miss This Place

It really hit me today that we are leaving in a few days. As I was talking with the nurses I realized how much I’ve truly grown to love this place and how happy I am to have had the opportunity to come on this trip. As I was thinking about all of this, naturally one of the assistants was in the mood for pictures. Of course that only made it that much harder to think about leaving soon. She told me that they are going to have a small gift for me on Friday, I’m anxious to see what it is. They’ve asked me so many questions I can’t even imagine what they’re going to come up with. The assistants are some of the sweetest and most playful people I’ve me while here. I’m truly going to miss their smiling faces every  morning.

Here’s two pictures of me and some of the assistants. Priya, the one of the right, is one of my favorite. She always works with Dr. Gurucharan so I get to spend the whole day with her.

So as I get my camera out to take the above pictures, they were anxious to see pictures of my brothers and sisters. I had to get my phone out to show them those pictures, so naturally they saw my whole family, my cat, my dog, and of course all of my friends. Anytime a new assistant would walk into the room they made me get my phone back out to show them the pictures of my family. I guess they all learned a little bit about me today.

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